
(Een Nederlandse vertaling komt nog. 10 locaties in Nederland zijn al bezocht. Foto’s hiervan worden binnenkort opgeladen.)

A long story still to be unfolded. It's a starting point for a social sculpture. Having returned to the Netherlands after so many years, I see a big unbalance between the conglomeration of cities and the rural areas. Very extremely said; one just takes. The other one becomes depleted. I want to bring the people from the different areas together, so communication can start from bottom up to get to a win-win for all.

Those broken pieces of stone symbolise the society fallen apart. Spreading the pieces around among the people. Making them aware. Adding my stone to rebuild again.

The stone itself is called a 'Kloostermop'. It's a thirteenth century handbuild brick. This particular one is from a thirteenth century monasterie called Oosterwierum (Heveskesklooster) in Noord Oost Groningen. It burned down in the sixteenth century. It was situated nearby where I live. Those bricks can still be found in the fields around.

The growth of the industry in that direction got stopped once they found the foundations of the monastery.

Another reason for choosing this brick as a symbol is that the location of this monastery is situated in an area with the biggest concentration of thirteenth century Romanesque churches in the world. This heritage is in danger as through gasmining, earthquakes are happening, damaging the walls and/or causing walls to collapse. At the same time causing cracks in the underground, causing cracks among the communities, causing cracks within the local people…

A lot of trauma is created and still continues hence me wanting to bring the people together to get to a win-win for all.
